Thank you, Jimmy Carter for inspiring me then...and NOW!

“Five tidbits of video wisdom that help me accept my own mortality and celebrate that I am alive and awake to impermanence”

As a child, the man in the photo posted here was my hero. Jimmy Carter with his graceful and humble response to his cancer diagnosis have once again truly inspired me as a healer helping others to live mindfully and die consciously.

If you have followed my MINDFUL CHATTER in the past, this topic will not be too much a surprise for you. One of the most powerful and effective way to live life to its fullest is to open our hearts to the impermanence of all things. From my heart to yours, I share with you five tidbits of video wisdom that help me accept my own mortality and celebrate that I am alive and awake to impermanence.


Tastefully and tenderly, I offer you these online videos that help us understand, accept and truly appreciate the impermanence of all things, including ourselves..




From One Parent to Another

Alan Jenkinson's Meaning of Death

The MUPPETS honor
Jim Henson


Impermanently yours,


During the (Downward) Dog Days of Summer, how do you keep your cool?


My mom gifted me that year a shadow box.