Isn’t it ‘bout time we humans bone up on our humaneness

Secret Cave of Bones: Embracing Our Mortality and Potential

In the captivating Netflix documentary "Secret Cave of Bones," we embark on a profound journey through time, exploring ancient caves and unearthing our ancestral past. As modern-day Homo sapiens, this adventure humbles us, reminding us of our transient existence, the vast history behind us, and the boundless potential we are evolving into. Embracing mindfulness and our mortality becomes the key to understanding the world around us and embracing the richness of life. The documentary takes us back to ancient times, unveiling the remains of Homo nailed who seem to have buried their dead deep inside tunnels and caves. While some scientists ‘resist’ the evidence being presented, some other courageous and intrepid researchers dug a little deeper. With so much neocortex available to us, it is interesting when we turn our backs on the possibility that there are many forms of intelligence in our world and so much of what we feel is ‘special’ about us can also be appreciated when we sit with the bigger questions of existence and evolution. The documentary and other related articles remind us of our shared heritage and allows us to pause and appreciate the sacred interconnectedness of life across millennia. And, in the vastness of time, we are also invited to accept the fragility of life, urging us to seize each moment with appreciation and purpose.

Beyond the past, the film reflects on our modern world—its challenges, ethical dilemmas, and the rapid pace of life. How did we evolve into a species more prone to harm the Earth, one another and become increasingly grief-avoidant when it comes to death rituals. Amidst the pace of today, the cave of bones encourages us to slow down and find meaning in our lives. As Homo sapiens, we are not confined to the past or present; our journey extends into the future. This documentary inspires us to contemplate the potential that lies ahead, both individually and collectively. Embracing our mortality empowers us to lead fulfilling lives, leaving a meaningful legacy for generations to come.

"Secret Cave of Bones" offers a thought-provoking exploration of our past, present, and potential. As a thanatologically-inspired space holder, I invite you to continue this journey forward, humbled by what we can learn from the past, grounded in the possibilities of this present moment, and remaining hopeful for the future to which each of us contribute—all of which is done when we humans embrace our mortality and savor the richness of life.


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