Ken Breniman Ken Breniman

Santosha Claus is already in town…

Hey, aren't we are all allowed to believe in whatever we want to believe?!...Well, a few years ago, I had a vision of Lakshimi, the Indian Goddess of Abundance and Santa Claus having a love child who I came to know as SANTOSHA CLAUS....and they are already in town! This is an updated version of a blog I wrote a few years back..

“Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are.
When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.”  

― Lao Tzu

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Articles Ken Breniman Articles Ken Breniman

Befriending my selves & finding my niches

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived

forwards” is a wise adage by the Danish theologian Søren

Kierkegaard. When you read it, what images or memories

of your past arise, and how do you perceive who you are now—and

who you might become? For me, this quote has been invaluable in

making sense of my zigzag path as a yoga therapist over the past

two decades.

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